
(2024). Structure-agnostic Optimality of Doubly Robust Learning for Treatment Effect Estimation. In ArXiv preprint 2402.14264.

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(2023). Dichotomy of Early and Late Phase Implicit Biases Can Provably Induce Grokking. In ICLR 2024.

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(2023). Understanding Incremental Learning of Gradient Descent -- A Fine-grained Analysis of Matrix Sensing. In ICML 2023.

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(2022). Minimax Optimal Kernel Operator Learning via Multilevel Training. In ICLR 2023 (spotlight).

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(2022). Why Robust Generalization in Deep Learning is Difficult: Perspective of Expressive Power. In NeurIPS 2022.

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(2021). Non-convex Distributionally Robust Optimization: Non-asymptotic Analysis. In NeurIPS 2021.

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(2020). Improved analysis of clipping algorithms for non-convex optimization. In NeurIPS 2020.

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